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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Teen Thoughts. Afficher tous les articles


How to know if you're antisocial or not

sometimes we just want to be alone,sometimes can actually be more often than not.and for some of us sometimes can actually mean all the time.

An anti-social person can be hard to define, we all know that Earth's antisocialists would rather be alone.and we also know that a social butterfly is the opposite of that 

but how do we know who is and who isn't?

wich one are you ? a people-lover or a people hater?

To find out that, we need to know how to spot the signs of antisocial personality desorder in the wild. And there are some of the things that an antisocial person do.If you've done them too, than you're antisocial too.

1- left a group text the second someone added you.
2- left a party without saying goodby to anyone.
3- Didn't pick up the phone intentionally, but then lied and said that it was on silent mode.
4- Read an email, but then marked it as unread because you were too lazy to respond right then.
5- Totally ignored an invite to a party or event.
6- lied and said you had an earlier commitment to avoid hanging out.
7- messed around on your phone instead of talking to people around you.
8- NOT messed around on your phone to avoid seeming rude, but you wished you could.
9- Spent an entire day without seeing an other human being.
10- Totally skipped a party to avoid dealing with people.
11- Gone to a party and only talked to people you already knew.
12- decided not to go to somethingbecause you're worried you wouldn't know anyone there.
13- Managed to convince people to come over to your place instead of going out.
14- Felt relief when a get-together was cancelled 
15- felt too lazy to go on a date.
16- made all your social network accounts private so only friends could see them.
17- and also made it so that only you're allowed to post on your wall, not even your friends.
18- Put in headphones in public that weren't playing anything just to avoid interactiong with strangers.
19- Given more attention to a dog on the street than its owner.
20- lingering inside for 30seconde when you hear one of your neighbors in the hallway so you don't have to talk to them.


How to know that you're in love or not

a lot of people wonder about love and how it feels to be falling in love with someone it really about butterflies in the stomach, and a confused heartbeats?... can anyone tell you whether you're in love or not?


personally, i don't think that anyone has the right to tell you what's going on inside of your heart or mind. because you're the only one who experience that feelings and no one else can explain it better then you.all what you need is to be honest and ask yourself this question: am i really in love or it's just an infatuation.
fortunately there's some ways to help you figure out if you're in love or not... and here is some:

i love you First:  you want always to be with them and talk to them  or text them about anything that happens in your life even if it's not interesting to them like:" hey, i feel horribal i felt in my test today ".
  but this doesn't mean that you can't have some space for your self , 'cause we all need a personal space to clarify what's going on in our hearts and brains and help ourselves to make our own path in this world and it's really healthy to have that in a relationship... you don't  have to see someone every single day to be able to love them.  'cause it just happens.

Second: when you're in love it could be kind of frustrating not to be able to help the other person out whether they have a problem or they're sick or when they feel bad for some reason, and all what you can do is to be their with them and just listen to them, while what you really want is to take their pain and throw it away whatever it costs.

Third: another side of being in love is that you miss that person a lot and you always think of them or  what are they doing, and you look for them in every place you go. and when you get a call you wonder if it's them.

Fourth: when you truly love someone, you  start comparing everyone else to that one, and it will hurts you a lot to see them with another one and maybe you'll cry.

Fifth: you won't be able to find a reason to be mad at them even if they did something bad or stupid, and all the songs you hear makes you think of them in some how

sixth:  when you get scared or lonely you just want them to be with you  'cause they make you feel save and happy, but they can also hurt you more than anyone else

seventh:  if you dont love somebody you may not feel confortable exposing your secrets or your feelings or weeknesses, but if you're in love that wont be a problem and you just trust that one and tell them everything 'cause you feel like you can be yourself and not have to hold back.

Eighth:  you just want to make them happy even at your own cost.

Ninth:  you get stressed when they're around or even when you think of them.  

i love you


Worse than haiting your body hating your face

everyone is looking for perfection, starting with his face to his body to his own style.. but what if he's not satisfy of the face that appears on the mirror everytime he stares at it. what if he keep avoiding cameras, just to protect himself from criticism.

Most of people defind beauty as having a beautiful skin, magical eyes, and a charming smile, briefly as physical perfection...but is it the real definition of beauty?

Am i beautiful?is it true that if you had a better skin, all your problems will be solved, is it true that if your eyes were green people will love you more, do you really beleive that if you were charming, you'll be less angry, less defensive, less miserable...

of course not, the cover of the book is just one way from millions to let us read it, same as your face, cause it's only one way from millions to attract people to know you.
 your face won't help you to succeed in your life, it won't give you a job, or a house, it won't make the people love you just because you're good-looking.

your acts and your personality, is what defines who you really are,  
you build your future with your own hands, you're the only one who can change your destiny for the best or the worst. 

So don't judge that person in the mirror from the way that he looks, and try to see what's hidding in his deeps. Don't hide from cameras, be brave and look straight into it.

And remember, hating your face is the first step to hate your life, and start destroying it with pain and anger.
 So love your face, love who you are, love your capacities and try to develop them. and you'll eventually start loving your life more then you've never did before.

i'm proud of my self


The Circle Of Life : Teen's Depression

day after day, after day, we
Depression - Deya Worldkeep living in this world, and we keep facing our  problems, pretending to be strong... we still playing our roles in this play, keeping our eyes on the audience ,trying  to please them. 

in each day we look for our freedom, our happiness. but we don't know that we're searching in the wrong places. cause we just don't know what we're looking for. 

But in someday, we 'll realize that we've got enough.. enough from prejudice, enough from violence, enough from critisisme and injustice, enough from inequality between people, just because i'm white and he's black, or because i'm thin and he's fat, or just because i'm poor and i study in a public school,and he's rich and he study in a private one... we'll realize that we've got enough from being the victime in every single time. and that we can't deal anymore with people's hate.. we'll realize that it's impossible to satisfy everyone and that we have to stop trying.. so we start looking for a shelter...

depression 2 -Déya World-

a shelter to protect us from our feelings, to save us from the remorse... to keep us far from the people who we sold our love to them for free, and they broke our hearts to a million pieces...
 a shelter .. where we can release our souls from the restrictions of love which burn it in every single oppertunity .

Love... the only thing that we all need most... the only thing that we're all  looking for...the only thing that we think it right, but it's wrong...the only thing that make us feel alive.. and in the same time dying from lust.. the feeling that hurts us most, but we still wanna feel it again and again.

love.. is what leaves nothing to say cause all the words been spoken, is what makes our eyes won't open.. it doesn't leave anything to broke when our hearts are  broken ... it makes us realize that nothing in this life is real or normal...

Depression -Deya World-
Depression - Deya World

Life... a huge gift, and a huge punishment, sometimes it makes you feel like you own the world. and sometimes it crushes you like a little bird and makes you feel like you're a zero... sometimes it leaves you in a middle of nowhere surrounded by pain and hard choices... with no idea of what's waiting for you. 
And sometimes it obligate you to have a role in the play... and you must do it well. or sometimes it makes you choose between your dreams and your future. 

depression 33 -Déya World-

yes, life is unfair, painful, bloody , life is a road with a lot of deviations, it makes you feel insecure, even if you're safe, it makes you feel guilty even when you're innocent.. it makes you feel hopless even if you have a dream..

so, if you don't stop dreaming, you won't stop living... but if you dream too much you'll lose too much
If you feel the pain all the time, doesn't mean that you're injured...if your heart stop beating for once, be shure that your in love...
crying isn't a sign of weakness, cause weakness is to lose your hope... to be strong get over your feeling and face your life... if you failed, doesn't mean that you've lost the war...
Life is a game and it had just begun, so play hard... and you'll find your self spinning in a cercle .

It is the circle of life

Depression -Deya World-
depression 5 -Déya World-