
The Circle Of Life : Teen's Depression

day after day, after day, we
Depression - Deya Worldkeep living in this world, and we keep facing our  problems, pretending to be strong... we still playing our roles in this play, keeping our eyes on the audience ,trying  to please them. 

in each day we look for our freedom, our happiness. but we don't know that we're searching in the wrong places. cause we just don't know what we're looking for. 

But in someday, we 'll realize that we've got enough.. enough from prejudice, enough from violence, enough from critisisme and injustice, enough from inequality between people, just because i'm white and he's black, or because i'm thin and he's fat, or just because i'm poor and i study in a public school,and he's rich and he study in a private one... we'll realize that we've got enough from being the victime in every single time. and that we can't deal anymore with people's hate.. we'll realize that it's impossible to satisfy everyone and that we have to stop trying.. so we start looking for a shelter...

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a shelter to protect us from our feelings, to save us from the remorse... to keep us far from the people who we sold our love to them for free, and they broke our hearts to a million pieces...
 a shelter .. where we can release our souls from the restrictions of love which burn it in every single oppertunity .

Love... the only thing that we all need most... the only thing that we're all  looking for...the only thing that we think it right, but it's wrong...the only thing that make us feel alive.. and in the same time dying from lust.. the feeling that hurts us most, but we still wanna feel it again and again.

love.. is what leaves nothing to say cause all the words been spoken, is what makes our eyes won't open.. it doesn't leave anything to broke when our hearts are  broken ... it makes us realize that nothing in this life is real or normal...

Depression -Deya World-
Depression - Deya World

Life... a huge gift, and a huge punishment, sometimes it makes you feel like you own the world. and sometimes it crushes you like a little bird and makes you feel like you're a zero... sometimes it leaves you in a middle of nowhere surrounded by pain and hard choices... with no idea of what's waiting for you. 
And sometimes it obligate you to have a role in the play... and you must do it well. or sometimes it makes you choose between your dreams and your future. 

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yes, life is unfair, painful, bloody , life is a road with a lot of deviations, it makes you feel insecure, even if you're safe, it makes you feel guilty even when you're innocent.. it makes you feel hopless even if you have a dream..

so, if you don't stop dreaming, you won't stop living... but if you dream too much you'll lose too much
If you feel the pain all the time, doesn't mean that you're injured...if your heart stop beating for once, be shure that your in love...
crying isn't a sign of weakness, cause weakness is to lose your hope... to be strong get over your feeling and face your life... if you failed, doesn't mean that you've lost the war...
Life is a game and it had just begun, so play hard... and you'll find your self spinning in a cercle .

It is the circle of life

Depression -Deya World-
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