
How to know if you're antisocial or not

sometimes we just want to be alone,sometimes can actually be more often than not.and for some of us sometimes can actually mean all the time.

An anti-social person can be hard to define, we all know that Earth's antisocialists would rather be alone.and we also know that a social butterfly is the opposite of that 

but how do we know who is and who isn't?

wich one are you ? a people-lover or a people hater?

To find out that, we need to know how to spot the signs of antisocial personality desorder in the wild. And there are some of the things that an antisocial person do.If you've done them too, than you're antisocial too.

1- left a group text the second someone added you.
2- left a party without saying goodby to anyone.
3- Didn't pick up the phone intentionally, but then lied and said that it was on silent mode.
4- Read an email, but then marked it as unread because you were too lazy to respond right then.
5- Totally ignored an invite to a party or event.
6- lied and said you had an earlier commitment to avoid hanging out.
7- messed around on your phone instead of talking to people around you.
8- NOT messed around on your phone to avoid seeming rude, but you wished you could.
9- Spent an entire day without seeing an other human being.
10- Totally skipped a party to avoid dealing with people.
11- Gone to a party and only talked to people you already knew.
12- decided not to go to somethingbecause you're worried you wouldn't know anyone there.
13- Managed to convince people to come over to your place instead of going out.
14- Felt relief when a get-together was cancelled 
15- felt too lazy to go on a date.
16- made all your social network accounts private so only friends could see them.
17- and also made it so that only you're allowed to post on your wall, not even your friends.
18- Put in headphones in public that weren't playing anything just to avoid interactiong with strangers.
19- Given more attention to a dog on the street than its owner.
20- lingering inside for 30seconde when you hear one of your neighbors in the hallway so you don't have to talk to them.