
Temptation in our lives



No one of us have Ever been in one of those weird situations where he says to himself, “This is a terrible idea, but I’m going to do it anyway”?

We  have our goals, our dreams, and the habits we’re building. But, every day, we’re faced with a number of decisions that will either propel us closer to them or carry us further away: Will I eat the salad I packed for lunch, or will I cheat and head out for fast food? Will I work on the important project or goof around on the Internet? Will I struggle through the day without my cigarette, or will I give in and put myself  back at square one?

The distance between the right and the wrong is very accurate. A small acts can defined who you are. Sometimes, you succeed and take a step forward. Others, you fail, and take a step back. But what dictates if you’ll succeed or fail when temptation strikes? How can you tell when your willpower will carry you or not? can you predect it?
the temptation is everywhere sometimes it pushs us to behave unethically even when we truly desire to be ethical. How can we resist temptation when it’s staring us in the face?

Reasons of temptation:

The reasons of our temptations is not actually our fault , it’s our brains’s. cause we teach them that this is an important action - something to pay attention to and replicate. for example if i eat chocolate once in a while, my brain will not really take notice and I won't crave chocolate. However, if I repeat this action, even for just a few days in a row, my brain will begin to ramp up cravings for chocolateAs time goes on, my brain begins making eating chocolate a priority and I find that I am craving it day and night.

Resisting temptation:

Clearly we have to teach our brains what's really important to us so that it can help, it's not enough to want it to be different; we have actually to actually to act differently. The only way our brains will change how it responds, and which cravings it generates, is based on what we do  and, more specifically, how we focus our attention.

1-    Make mental notes like  "Oh, there's that craving for chocolate again."
2-     Remind yorself that your brain is generating this desire not you.
3-    Refocus and choose to do something that is better or healthier for you.
4- remind yourself that this is just    the feeling of craving. you need to realize that this craving does not define you; it is not something you have to pay attention to or prioritize. In fact, you can let it be there and move on with your day without giving in.
5-    stay away from the temptation Whenever possible, example: keep the foods I crave out of the house.
6-    Use the 15-Minute Rule: Commit to not giving in for 15 minutes. See if the craving is still there 15 minutes later. If it is, I try to wait another 15 minutes. I remind myself that the craving will pass.
7-    Stop and Reflect Before Responding: ask yourself, what am I about to do and why?

Part of realizing  your goals involves following a path that you feel is ethical and consistent with your own moral code, life is just a hard game you may lose for a hundred time; but you won’t stop playing until you win the game